Updated Summer Weekly Schedule of Activities

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Weekly Schedule of events at the Leixlip Youth and Community Centre
MONDAYS10.30am-11.30amJohn Crean Yoga
5.30pm-7.00pmGorman School of Irish Dancing
7.30pm-8.30pmBody Shape Fitness Bootcamp bodyshapefitnessbootcamp.com
TUESDAYS9.30am-1.00pmCoffee Shop Open serving fresh coffee and homemade scones daily
11.15am-1.15pmParent & Toddler Group
WEDNESDAYS9.30am-1.00pmCoffee Shop Open serving fresh coffee and homemade scones daily
4.00pm-5.00pmYouth Club Primary School Students (5th/6th Class)
6.15pm-7.15pmTrampoline Fitness
7.00pm-8.00pmJohn Crean Yoga
7.30pm-8.30pmBody Shape Fitness Bootcamp bodyshapefitnessbootcamp.com
THURSDAYS9.30am-1.00pmCoffee Shop Open serving fresh coffee and homemade scones daily
10.30am-12.30pm Route 66 Social Club
FRIDAYS9.30am-1.00pmCoffee Shop Open serving fresh coffee and homemade scones daily
SATURDAYS9.30am-10.30amBody Shape Fitness Bootcamp bodyshapefitnessbootcamp.com