Centre Manager Michael Quirke, LYPG Chairperson Maria Roche, Lisa Harlow of Intel Ireland, and Jonah Roche of Skillshop
We are pleased to announce that an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) has been installed in the Centre.
The AED was kindly sponsored by Intel Ireland, following advocacy from former LYPG Ltd Board member (and Town Councilor) Teresa Byrne.
The defibrillator, which is suitable for both children and adults, is prominently located in the foyer area on the ground floor of the Centre.
Staff members and volunteers, along with representatives of organizations based in the Centre have been trained in “Heartsaver CPR/AED”, a course which is certified by the Irish Heart Foundation.
Training was conducted by Lucan based training company, Skillshop, who also provided the defribrillator device.
An official presentation of the Heartsaver Certificates to the training participants, took place last week with Lisa Harlow, External Affairs Manager at Intel Ireland, and Johan Roche of Skillshop in attendance.
LYPG Ltd Chairperson Maria Roche said at the presentation
“With so many people of all ages, using the Leixlip Youth and Community Centre on a weekly basis, this is a very welcome addition to the Centre. We would like to thank Intel Ireland for kindly sponsoring this defibrillator, a device which could someday save someone’s life. And we are especially pleased that sixteen people based in the Centre Campus have been trained in the use of this AED – across LYCC management, staff and volunteers, and representatives from Leixlip Library, Breaking Through, Leixlip Town Council, Kildare Leader Partnership and Route 66 Social Club.“